In 2023, the Conference Future of Work created the Future of Work Monitoring Committee (FoWMC) to implement the Future of Work (FoW) manifesto in Curaçao. The FoWMC includes representatives from civil society, businesses, educational institutions, organizations, and government entities.

K-Zone is a regional knowledge center and a Centre of Excellence in the sustainable development of small developing states (SIDS), focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The K-Zone will use the obvious advantages of Curaçao. Geographically centered, connecting Curaçao Dutch, English, Spanish, and French Caribbean. Moreover, the intersection of the Curaçao, the Caribbean, Latin American, North American, and European academic traditions. The K-Zone gives concrete shape to the North-South and South-South alliance in the spirit of UNESCO.
To materialize the vision, the K-Zone cooperates with all knowledge-intensive sectors and institutions, particularly at the Jan Noorduynweg to Brionplein on one side and the airport on the other side. In this way, the K-zone (Knowledge Zone) is created.
Miguel Goede's vision of Society 5.0 is a forward-thinking framework that integrates advanced technologies with human-centered values to create a "super-smart society." Originating in Japan, this concept uses AI, robotics, and IoT to solve social issues by merging cyberspace and physical space, enhancing quality of life.
Goede views Society 5.0 as an evolution from the industrial Society 4.0 to a more intelligent and interconnected society. He emphasizes governance and sustainable development, especially for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and highlights the need for strategic adaptation, entrepreneurial skills, and interdisciplinary learning.
In Society 5.0, technological advancements address fundamental human needs and societal challenges, focusing on ethical considerations, sustainability, and inclusive progress to benefit everyone.